Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

(I saw a magical word! :eyes:)
*dissapears as soon as it appeared


If he’s town, then it’s in best interest to trust in my words tomorrow. If I am geting exed - then he’s the reason we lost.

I’m fine either way. As long as the King dies, all is fine.

I didn’t know we had one of those in FoL yet :^)

Cool, nice targetting of Ashe specifically.

I also asked you to ISO my posts again

Mordred :->

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I already did but, since you are a bad king and a bad scum, you wouldnt acknowledge it.

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Do I have to show you?

Nah but the meme count is far too low here
We need more memery

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I think I haveta read. Who’s king? Brb.

See if that cracks your mind.

Frosty’s King

Frost is Evil/Devout King.

I don’t know if Litten has been warned not to shitpost, but I think seeing him not shitposting is a meme in itself

Unless he doesn’t dabble d1

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:thinking: claiming good king is proof of your innocence?

Or a very hard gamethrowing Cowardly King

That fact is proven false, because it’s Celeste we’re talking here.

They try their best not to these days :^)
or maybe they’re just not online yet

He claims that I am evil/coward because I said I don’t believe his prince claim.

That’s hardly proof.