Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

So there is no room for co-hosts?

I wonder who’s fault it was to make you only host majority games

I’ll never know

We’ll see
If more than 15 other people want to join i’ll let you co-host
but i’d rather the game fill :thinking: and i dont really need a co-host for anything other than vcs

When will this start if it fills?

Sure sure, but keep in mind that I need to be a co-host to host games. So…


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That wasn’t a yes or no question but sure

You should rename your cohost “vote counting machine” like I did with FK

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The game will start near immediately upon filling

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If I’m awake

yay for me being in the 25% for fol 7




How can I miss the greatest show of the century?


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Sign me up, Mr. Justice!

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C’mon C’mon! The Sharpeners come out to play!

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Why u no join?

@Damafaud you want to join? :thinking: Revenant is in play

