Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

No your wrong!

Try again!

Do you not know how the current mechanics work or do you just ignore them just to execute your target?

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Oh. The foolproof method.

You were unable to use your ability on [name]. This could be because of prevention or occupation.

@techwolves are you occ immune?

This is correct my dear.

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it time to give up! unless you are his scum friend

Bet Unseen failed their first convert. If Techy is Unseen that is.

I mean I do know the mechanics because I was the one who prevented him.


Does it strike anyone as being odd for tech to not check beforehand?

I mean you are all idiots.


Who’s my next “target”

Why would you claim that this early T_T

I didn’t claim.


/Vote Joker

Scum spotted.

I object, on what basis?

The sheriff is dead.

Start pushing.

I object because the only reasonable scum that Joker could be is the mastermind.

I want a few people in particular to check in before pushing anything

Where why how did you get this idea :thinking:
And if he’s mm we jail for 3 nights and gg

Do you want the full story of why I think that?

@Frostwolf103 you should debt shurian who I think is priest :slight_smile: