Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

when tf did u get bled

Oh I forgot when.


Somewhere today

Btw going to be honest if i was mm/cl i would have converted celete not vulgard

Celeste/tech/newbie scum team

God, if you exist, save us from this

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Dw I’m kidding

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Ill say this the way i can be confirmed is tonight

Can i get a cw on me so i can use my ability XD


The Druid has used Judgment of the Wild on techwolves!

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I would totally lynch tech today

I would totally lynch psycho, tech, or mole today

I can get lynched too if you don’t believe me

Hey i can be confirmable ill claim tomorrow

I forgot did i vote psycho?


Accused Voters Count
PsychoNeirik PoisonedSquid, Vulgard, Insanity, Techwolves 4/8
Moleland Firekitten, Frostwolf and Celeste_Lundenberg 4/8
Techwolves Marcus 1/8

Thanks /vote psycho

If they can’t be mm are they scorned or.

I’m just waiting for confirmation from marl

Okay guys I know who I’m voting now


/vote psycho

Lemme know if you want me to unvote this, I don’t want this getting to hammer before we fact check the mechanics.

FYI next time you don’t have to unvote then vote. You can just do /vote player and I will change it