Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

Actually I really like a Vulgard lynch here because if he flips convert then techwolves is 100% MM

How the hell did I only just realise thatā€¦

he canā€™t be convert last night, unless you think i am his scum buddy

and it wont be the last


Accused Voters Count
Vulgard Simon, Psycho, Celeste, Insanity, Moleland, Techwolves, Marcus 7/8

/vote vulgard

Vulgard is now on trial. You may vote to pardon or execute him.

The trial will end in 24 hours or once majority is reached.

/grill tea

Now @Vulgard

You have to understand this is information lynch okay? Should potential priest resurrect you while itā€™s not convert night tonight, given the info that is accurate.

At worse, killing the priest proves that Knight is the converted one.

Okay so you CFDā€™d from Psycho onto Mole, then back onto Psycho, then all of you pardoned him and CFDā€™d onto me? And you managed to do most of that while I was asleep? Iā€™m impressed.

Iā€™m probably going to get executed no matter what I do here, but let me say this.

Psychoā€™s only defense was that my results are fake - there have been no real towntells in his posts and most of what he did felt LAMIST to me.

Obviously thatā€™s going to be proven once I flip Maid, but still.

My scumteam guess remains Tech/Psycho/Mole(convert), and Iā€™m sticking with that until I die.

Thatā€™s it - you can information lynch me now. :wink:

Also Frost is not evil King - ISO his posts D2

Might as well provide a full readlist unless you hammer me? Do you want it?

Sure, why not?

Okay, working on it

Iā€™d say this - your results may be not fake but that means that Psycho canā€™t be indeed princess anyway but he canā€™t be MM either.

And should the priest get attacked that will mean that Knight is converted instead, with miracle of NK getting jailed but who knows.

Itā€™s likely going to be Druid game.

Firekitten - Blue Dragon - I feel confident with this read. There is a lot to read into when you ISO his posts, but I see a consistent town motivation in there. He has been actively scumhunting, and in general this is a read I feel strongly about.
Simon - Null - Nothing Simon wrote feels AI to me. If anything, he is playing like a lurker - but he always does this to my knowledge, which is why he is hard to read unless forced to post more. I encourage you to do that, especially since he hasnā€™t claimed yet.
PoisonedSquid - Scumlean/NK - Iā€™m really not a fan of your posts. Most of it is IIoA, and you have supported me several times - however, when itā€™s done so blatantly, I canā€™t help but read it as buddying unless the person doing it has a confirmed class. Youā€¦ you really donā€™t. The only reason Iā€™m not fully confident about you being scum is because your tone doesnā€™t feel scummy to me. However, at this point in time, your posts are enough to make me suspicious of you.
TheItalian - BD Lean - This is a tough one. There are not many posts to read here, and most of it is naked voting without reasoning. However, I canā€™t metaread him since heā€™s a newcomer - and thereā€™s one post of his I really really liked, which was a post Iā€™ve already talked about. Because of it, what would be a null read from me ended up being a townlean. I can actually believe him guarding King N1 at this point.
Techwolves - Scum/Priest - He claims he is easily confirmable at night. However, what he did earlier is almost inexcusable for me - he claimed he got prevented on me, then backtracked very quickly when doubt was placed on him and there was a threat of him being voted. I personally think this could be indicative of him being a PR; however, he claims Support, so the only class I see him being isā€¦ Priest. Either that, and he simply did not want to be mislynched because of the classā€™s power, or he is scum. Weā€™ll see tomorrow, I suppose.
Celeste - Blue Dragon - Oh god, itā€™s Celeste the hyperposter. Seriously, even if you hate Celeste, the amount of content she posts is always enormous. In my opinion, her fight with Frost D1 was TvT - and also very indicative of her being BD. I see a BD motivation there and no scum motivation whatsoever, which solidifies my read on her - and her later posts, especially a particular soft, have only made me more certain about the read. Unless this is a convert, I think this is solid BD at this point.
Psycho - Scum/Neutral - Do I even need to say anything? My results proved his claim wrong, which means he canā€™t be BD from my perspective. As I stated earlier, his response to my accusation was mostly trying to pin me as Scorned and LAMIST statements like ā€œyou can lynch be but promise me youā€™ll lynch Vulgard after I flip Princessā€. I personally would lynch this quickly, but since it turns out I have to be lynched first, so be it.
Insanity - Scumlean - Iā€™m not sure whether this is AI when it comes to Insanityā€¦ I do realize him being a low poster/lurker is mostly NAI. However, the fact that he responded to two posts accusing him with a ā€œwhy me?ā€ doesnā€™t make him BD in my eyes. I think heā€™d be more careful as NK, which makes him a scumlean to me. Somebody would need to confirm or deny my suspicions with a meta read, otherwise this doesnā€™t really work. I have no strong feelings about him, only the fact those two responses pinged me.
Moleland - Scum (Convert) - I really donā€™t think what heā€™s doing in this game is his BD play. Most of his posts were barely contributive at all, aside from his results. He definitely wanted to seem like he is present, but not prominent, and I donā€™t like that either. His attitude towards todayā€™s lynch pings me very strongly as well. He did claim and post results, but those could easily be pre-conversion results. Overall, I think this is our convert, and I donā€™t believe heā€™d play like heā€™s playing in this game as BD.
Marcus - Blatant Blue Dragon - I will fight anyone who disagrees with this read until I die. All of his posts are BD motivated, he also claimed Royal and if Iā€™m correct about which Royal he is, heā€™s also confirmable. There is no scum motivation in his posting and nothing in his ISO pings me. This is probably my strongest BD read, up there with FK.
Shurian - BD Lean - Frankly, most of his posts are fluff, and you could argue this is NAI. However, nothing really pings me about his posts, and at worst, heā€™s a non-NK Neutral in my opinion. Which makes him a townlean. I realize my logic here could easily be faulty - and I admit, this read is more of a gut feeling than anything based on evidence. Iā€™m waiting for the moment he starts gamesolving - if it ever comes, thatā€™s when he should be readable.
Boss - Null - Reading him is absolutely impossible at this point. He didnā€™t scumslip and there are no towntells in his posts, which makes everything he wrote NAI to me and my read on him has to be a null read. I simply donā€™t know what to think about him. Hopefully heā€™s an easily confirmable class.
MislynchtheJoker - BD Lean - This is basically a Shurian situation to me, but with less to go off of. His posts have been few and far between, but I see no scumtells there, and I can actually sense an inkling of BD motivation. Overall, everything he did feels more like BD than scum, thatā€™s why Iā€™m placing him in the townlean category. This read can definitely change based on his behavior, just like Shurianā€™s - however Iā€™m less confident about this read than about my read on Shurian simply because of the difference in the amount of content they provided us with.
Frost - Blue Dragon King - Last but not least, Frost. His fight with Celeste D1 proved one thing to me - the fact theyā€™re both BD. I read Frostā€™s reaction and reactive posting D1 as BD, and his posts D2 only solidify that read to me. Iā€™m pretty confident Celeste realized it too, thatā€™s why thereā€™s no more pressure on Frost coming from her, and I find that even more indicative of Frost being BD King. This read could change, but only if Frost scumslips or by PoE. The first hasnā€™t happened yet in my opinion, and the second is impossible to do at the current moment.

So, there you have it. My full read list, just before I die.



I somehow feel bad/betrayed when I see this after my giant readlist :C

Yeah yeah AtE I know

Letā€™s see if your read on Psycho is correct