Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!


This just screams bd to me, his reads, last posts. And there are way scummiest people


Can there be more than two trials a day?


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It doesnā€™t have necessarily to be Poke Around while MM is still immune for investigative results, but you can still catch them with their ā€˜fakeā€™ result but all they have to do is claim differently.

Matchmake in other hand is double-edged sword, observer knows if he did indeed visit twice and when incompatible result kicks in then it means someone who claimed town is a lie and works the same way with two neuts with compatible result.

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Lasts for as long as the day lasts.
Same person cannot be voted up twice in a day.
Thats about it.

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As king, I declare that Vulgard will not be punished today.

MM still shows as special/invest

Tho :thinking:

Did you just RP?

I havenā€™t played Maid in Unseen game before, but it worked beautiful on cult game.

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looks at your avatar, tempted to say that

My point still stand.

Maid when theres no other invests in Triple Threat was stupid fun haha


Pardon Vulgard.

Heā€™s innocent guys he meowed

I will be afk for 30 min or so and lemme see the result.



inb4 frost DF executed

lolno, unless I think he got evidence on him as scum which I donā€™t think he has - he wonā€™t get yoloexecuted.