Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

Possibility are endless, is it?

But no Warlock would make this freaking play.

In fact, this is the opportunity to find out if you are Warlock or Scorned actually

Why not, it messes with investigations.

I would.
Firekitten was bleeding soā€¦ /shrug

Anyhow. /pardon

I can swap one of my targets with someone else to prove it.

ā€¦Who would have thought I would try to confirm myself as scorned one day?

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I donā€™t know how I feel about a BD scorned. Psy could be lying about his targets.


Oh yeah.

You shouldnā€™t swap me or I may die

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Someone should stay on Fk?

Ok, lets do this, I will swap Vulgard with one of the most susp players. Any ideas?

Actually I want him to peek your class.

So I donā€™t swap anyone?


We are now wasting resources to confirm a scorned.

Great job guys :clap:

You donā€™t know that, just admitting being scorned could be bluff.

I mean if you think about it Im a vote for BD that cant be killed and can swap people to prevent attacks or converts. Im a CW on steroids.

At this point.

It would be better to execute them than to confirm them as scum.

But I donā€™t want to execute them

What if youā€™re NK on steroids?

But Vulgard doesnā€™t need to listen to me, so long he know the right direction on itā€™s own, than following the herd to wrong direction.


I think Vulgard is pardoned.


/pardon Fik you Scorned