Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

What does it again?

/vote Mthejoker

@psychoneirik You would have responded sooner, donā€™t you think?

inhales ā€œBoyā€

/vote @MtheJoker

Heā€™s at L-1, so donā€™t hammer yet.

Accused Voters Count
Joker Shurian, Firekitten, Techwolves, Theitalian, Insanity, Frost 7/8

responded sooner to what?

If you have told what switching did.

Im not sure I follow

Your ability.

Are you asking me what my ability does? Im sure I already said it. It swaps one of my targets with another player.

That all?

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I played scorned and thatā€™s not how it works.

Leading me to believe your lying :thinking:

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Well that confirms it.

I havent used it, im just telling you what the ability says.

Swap a player with one of your targets, redirecting all actions on one to the other.

Dude, donā€™t be lazy and just search it in FOL class card thread.

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Nah i just stopped because of the overbearing amount of scum tells he was giving

Someoneā€™s in denial.