Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

Accused Voters Count
Insanity Firekitten, Poisoned, and Vulgard, TheItalian, Marcus, 5/8
PoisonedSquid Celeste 1/8

The more you know.


@Marluxion Could u auto hammer for me if a hammer is required? This includes me. Thanks


:frowning: but marrrlll

I could hammer for you / s

/vote insanity

/vote Insanity

Yawn, good sleep.

that should be hammer right?

Accused Voters Count
Insanity Firekitten, Poisoned, and Vulgard, TheItalian, Marcus, Sam17z, Frostwolf 8/8
PoisonedSquid Celeste 1/8

@Margaret time to hammer

Oh wait yeah.

Insanity is on trial.

Unwanted co host :wink:

I am king you dolt, my vote count twice.

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Moderror not even in my own game

(Okay ill stop invading this thread)

Stahp posting here pug

Insanity is now on trial. Trial will last 24 hours. You know the drill

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1 Like

What did I expect

/vote execute

Convince me to change it.


I claim CW.

I barrier Shurian N1.

Barrier me senpai! :3

/execute I know for a fact thats a lie @Insanity