Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

I’ll jail psych, should I keep him in jail till n3?

He’s confirmed not MM, so go ahead and exe him.


I think insanity is nk based on the immunity


Fate Voters Count
Execute Shurian, Celeste, MTheJoker, Frostwolf, TheItalian, PoisonedSquid, Moleland 7/8
Pardon Marcus 1/8

No, I’m not.

I’m CW, I already said it.

@Vulgard we could let someone sus hammer, but scum would be able to co-ordinate attacks for tomorrow.

One more thing - Fool can also be faked

I would personally prefer Insanity to be the Prince exe tonight and not Psycho

I have no idea what the heck is going on here and my sharpeners cant keep up with it

Wdym? He’s faking being a fool?

Anyone can act a fool tbh.

If he’s NK this is advantageous for him because he’s not going to be lynched

Or, actually, we’re going to have doubts about lynching him

The fact Insanity doesn’t seem to care in the slightest does suggest Fool - the real question is whether he’s faking or making a genuine Fool play

Theres too much drama already >_>.

marcus, I think it’s sufficient to say that Fool isn’t allowed in FoL unless Marl removed that restriction and let the spiritualist/Revenant play too.

Which I doubt that’s going to happen.

AND! Marcus claimed Royal but said that Insanity is occupy immune.

So how about you come clean?

That obviously makes him Drunk

Exciting stuff here!

Yeah, I claim drunk.

anyone keen for a pub crawl