Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

Boi, if FK occs tech, then that means I can prove myself

It is actually odd, would you rather believe FK or Boss on that one?

Boss claims to have barriered Vulgard but since Tech want to visit Vulgard as well - except FK claimed to have occupied Tech.

Who would succeed?

You know what I think?

I believe both of them

When it comes to their results at least

@Vulgard Donā€™t talk about this game outside of this thread pls ty

sorri pls no bulli

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Actually no Vulgard, if FK is the one who occupy Tech and find out that Boss110ā€™s flip is not CW, then you know the consequences.

Can you elaborate what you mean? Iā€™m not sure I follow.

We may have narrowed down according to my claimlist, but thereā€™s still two people fakeclaiming.

For example, the scumteam can be Shurian/Boss/Vulgard or Simon/Moleland/Italian.

Again why are not voting Simon since heā€™s the last unclaimed? There has been three non-killing neutrals we know about.

Wait Iā€™m confused

So you think Vulgard is the convert and Boss outed him? Its pretty ballsy but possible, but unlikely given the circumstances.

Also where the heck do you get Shurian as scumteam from?

We believe priest claims everytime? Well hold your horses there, we want proof that Shurian can resurrect Ashe or heā€™s in trouble.

Itā€™s Day 2 remember.

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I feel like itā€™s d4

FK is the one who occupy Tech right? That result must be coming from him and not Boss.

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I just dont know how you end up putting Shurian on the scumteam if Simon isnā€™t


Celeste is Merc to Shurian.

But we can end the debate when we get to lynch either Poisoned or Simon.

Why heā€™s not on the list for exe by prince is little concerning.

I voted up MtheJoker for the low post count I saw from the op didnā€™t expect a prince claim from him >_>

Anyhow lemme read through the whole thing

Yeah great, I need voice after all.

But sooner we wrap this up before day end, the better.