Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

I promise not to side with unseen until late game

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B u t t h e y d I d n t v I s I t

Italian is getting rebounded, phys wasnā€™t meant to be on them because they were healnig FK, King openly said they werenā€™t protecting Prince because Knight would


Scum would lie wouldnā€™t they?

Then we caught both scum


btw do we have any healers/etc to protect the outed sheriff? Because no one was on the outed prince so I think theyll go for you today. I could swap you with a butler so they kill them instead.

No thanks.

I can protect the sheriff and kill firekitten in the process, how is that not a good deal?

CW exit

We just need @Shurian to soul bind them. Then theyā€™ll have immunity for a night

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And I remind you fire has confirmed me

Because! If you kill me you lose. If you lynch me you canā€™t swap the sheriff!

Tech probably. (Also I wouldnā€™t hurt my kitten :^)

If Boss was the intended nightkill, unseen is in Mole/Marcus/Italian/FK though right?

I just want to say.


How was I bleeding

So Iā€™m more for getting psy hung since I was confirmed

May I just say these are way off btw

What FK said

Ok, priest should make ashe immune today then just in case

So this is where I the scorned in last game. Tried to act BD friendly so they actually listened to me.

Thinking of night plans ect