Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

Very good question honestly

i posted one literally two minutes ago
the votes haven’t changed since then

Allow us to up the same person twice in a row lul if we only have 2 trials

Missed that soz.

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I guess the real problem is then the meta just shifts to trials being used for only killing, and then it’s like why even bother having trials?

But I’m getting off topic :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean any game without cits suffers from the same problem. Look at TOS

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But cits are boring :sob:

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btw, there are no logs in this game? Havent seen any of the flips with logs unless im missing something.

There are logs


My newest face btw ^

Death comes close to those with no logs.

Btw have we figured out who I occupied.


So firekitten was redirected to vulgard and vulgard died? :thinking:

/vote firekitten, dont even think about this just help me win bois

I agree tbh. I’m prob evil.

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I don’t feel any more excitement :frowning:

vote yourself then, otherwise you and FK are scum buds

Oh that’s actually a good point tbh.

/Vote Fire

I don’t feel any motivation to do anything else cause we have everything figured out

/Vote Psy


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OMGUS, obv evil /triple vote fk

Yeah we’re pretty gamesolve bois right here
Even if we’re not we need to wait till the next day to know

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