Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

@Marluxion does barrier protect against indirect redirect attempt

And it doesn’t matter for Italian for what he is, in best scenario he would be Assassin rather than Enforcer.

Whatever I say wont get me pardoned, so I’ll just confess. Im warlock and I used carnage when the day began. Unseen, go for ashe tonight you are guaranteed to get the kill.

Ill just leave the rest to my unseen bois, goodbye everyone

If you are this will be a piece of cake. Your occupy immunity remover is gonna go away, so we can win through roleblocking. So let’s go shall we?


Yep, all we need to do is occupy the assassin.

the only person capable attacking as non-assassin unseen is Celeste which is unlikely unless someone got prevented from visiting Mole

So, little too late for Italian to make this up fake claim.

Claim List

Firekitten - Butler
Simon - Mastermind?
PoisonedSquid - Demon
TheItalian - Assassin
Ashe - Sheriff
Techwolves - Physician
Celeste_Ludenberg - Merc
Psychoneirik - Warlock
Insanity - Fool
Moleland - Nightwatch
Marcus_Doodalee - Drunk
Shurian - Priest
Boss110 - (Court Wizard)
MTheJoker - Prince
Frostwolf103 - King :crown:
Vulgard - Maid

There I game solved.

Vote Exe on the Warlock.

1 Like

@Marluxion @Sam17z Just give me vote count please.


Hold on…

Never mind :man_shrugging:

Fate Voters Count
Execute Marcus, Frost, 2/7
Pardon 0/7


Fate Voters Count
Execute Marcus, Frost, Firekitten 3/7
Pardon 0/7



That isn’t being counted as a /execute btw

Wait so I should just heal shurian or do whatever tonight?

Sorry phones acting up XD