Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

I never accused you it’s just that voting boss right now is a great thing to do without leads and right now we have two people hesitant to vote him.

Of course we shouldn’t put him on trial incase evil king but we should put votes on him till he makes a good defence.

I suggest that you leave your vote on him and let him defend himself first.

Fine then grumbles

HEY Why don’t my arguments get litten to get off my case

Maybe because you don’t understand his language yet

Maybe it is because I am misdirecting him :wink:

Resisting the urge to meme

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Okay, I’ll try and use smaller sentences and words from now on.

I sure have reason to misdirect YOU right now Insanity :rage:

Enlighten me, sir.

Is this a insult to you or me.

Can’t really tell.

Well, you’re a veteran.

If I can sway you and get away with it, I must be doing something right.

It is ok, I act like a Village Idiot 99% of the time.

Not an insult

Insanity just gets his point across with less words.

I think tech is BD.

Reason is that if he killed ashe he wouldn’t of got prevented.

What if he’s lying?

That seems “possible.” /s

He could be a sneaky NK who have occupy immune…

He could be. But highly unlikely to me.

Are we dealing with a arso type of NK?


I thought this is ToL forum…

Same thing

Druid arso


The closest you could get is Druid.

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