Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

Court Wizard has its uses now with warlock

Ice Ward is broken
Also CW in TOL Isnā€™t weak, people just complain about it being boring :thinking:

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Oh, i never said itā€™s weak.

This part literally perfecly described Old CW from ToL. Even though he was actually goodā€¦


part of me wants to pre-in dama since i know heā€™ll want to join
but iā€™ll let this go fairly :thinking:

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If these 2 slots fill in the next 6 hours the game will begin immediately btw


okay abused my FoL team powers to make the game fun for me I can join now

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ok, you can join but youā€™re joining as the cursed slot 5 :^)

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@Sam17z ur cohostin

The real curse will be that Iā€™ll live through the entire game when Iā€™ve got stuff I should be doing instead :^)

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Barely made it.

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@Marluxion Start the game meh forum servant?

In before Celeste rolls Butler here too.

ā€œI forgot to use action whoopsā€

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Marl was promoted to Forum Servant from Forum Slave when he didnt close down my super hidden thread

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Itā€™s only 15/16
I changed Sam to co-host.

Heyā€¦ I messed up okā€¦

Nice excuse to blame me :thinking:

@Twil1ight Be a doll and join pls. 15/16

Also Twi became my partner in crime because she put up a pic of Celeste as her forum background

yeah, join so I can roll mastermind and cry myself to sleep

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Nah Asheā€¦ whoever gets Spot #5 will roll Mm or an evil