Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

That’s what’s bothering me and why I thought Marcus was my merc.

He’s claiming Royal but that doesn’t make sense either.

Psycho might be assassin and Tech the mm who failed conv on me.

Nobody claimed PoF right?

Vul you said that scorned makes maid checks show up as incompatible too.
Shouldn’t MM be the same as they appear as BD

Wait, actually no.

Marcus could be framed.

There’s no way Psycho has Royal Blood. If he’s MM Marcus must’ve been framed

In your results, that would mean that Marcus is either Assassin or Neutral.

Unless yes, you just slipped as Scorned.

You see, the point is there’s no reason why I would even bring up their incompatibility as Scorned

The RB check would’ve been enough

I mean would you do that as scorned?


I’m really confused about these results.

One true fact is that Psycho has no RB but claims he does have RB

And if I got PoF’d I stg I’ll murder that CW

Oops did I scumslip

I’m confused…cansomeonexplainthistome


At any case, there are possibilities here:

Psycho is Princess and Marcus being another RB, thus incest.

Psycho is BD and Marcus being Assassin or Neutral.

Pyscho is NOT BD and NOT Princess and Marcus is either town or Neut.

But there’s no such thing as day framing.

I still want confirmation about MM compatibility checks with BD b4 n3

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I feel like I just brought headaches.

you do that every game tbh

Point is, Psycho can’t be seen as imcompatible unless HE is the Assassin.

Neut or Assassin, whatever.