Forum of Lies 15 - The Blue Dragon win!

I mean I have this shiny thing


You know what? I actually think that Psy switched Vulgard and Boss

That was my theory

I thought of it first!

That still doesn’t answer why it bypasses your target changing immunity

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It never said BYPASS

which confused me but I somehow got target changed.

@Marluxion Does this only negate occupation immunity or target changing immunity?

Honestly it SHOULD not that it does affect both.

It’s kinda useless when you can only redirect

Well, its a bit more complex when you break it down to occupation immunity and target change immunity

Since it doesn’t actually say “occupy immunity” anywhere in the ability I would assume redirects aren’t lumped in with it, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It is beyond reasonable doubt that Frost intended for Italian to guard the pr0nce last night


Frost didn’t intend to guard the Prince and wanted italian to

So the blame in this case falls to Italian (who is getting rebounded anyway).

He trusted a knight claim too


Yeah, it’s not like I’m saying I believe Frost is GK either here lol

I think Frost gets this occupation and target change immunity thing better than me. I will wait for him to get here

I kinda want you to poison but at the same time I haven’t been paying enough attention to make that call xD

I mean he’s prob good king because


Prince wasn’t dead on trial

You think he could be Cowardly?

I suppose that at least rules out EK, but ehhhh not sure about GK