Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

Im very surprised he didnt bleed me doh

It would be painful if we got Marg/Sam/Alice team here

/vote sam

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Okay then

No one heal Alice if Sam is BD

Because, Court Wizard?

You realize they’re not bled if they were evil right? It’s what marl did to remove suspicion immediately. This is not proof AT ALL

I’d rather want a heal, the DN on Wolfy makes me believe there’s a chance Sam17z may have been puppetted.

Vote Count

Accused Voters Count
Sam17z Alice, FK, Squid,Tech, HTM, Celeste, Frost 7/8

NK exists


Tbh, heres what I think
Sam is BD that got possessed
Alice is MM that tried to convert Wolfy but was unable to as Sam killed em
Livicus is livicus. Nuff said

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We’ll probably need Sam17z claim now.

Alice and Sam should both claim

Vote Count

Accused Voters Count
Sam17z Alice, Squid,Tech, HTM, Celeste, Frost 6/8

Alice claimed Princess

Alice already claimed

Alice claims princess.

Oh right I forgot they had a K/O check which is also easy to fake

Meaning maids should check Alice right now.

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Hush, I don’t join the ‘Alice is pwetty princess’ hype train.

wasnt this the game where someone claimed princess