Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

I will be the one laughing in the grave soon when you flip Assassin before game ends.

Tell the town, why would being nightwatch change my results lolololol

That is when Squid and Solic are gone, only you and Wolfy are the only converts that are not bleeding at the moment, Unseen would not convert a bleeding target into loss.

ahem check like any fucking game with marl as assassin

You misinterpret my words that D2 was fake result.

Clearly that’s not true.

Sam and Alice admit visiting Wolfy, no I am talking about your N2 results, not N1.

But you don’t have to tell me.

Because I trust in my intuition and process of elimination that you are the only convert possibility that will live tomorrow.

ok frost, so u saying they failed their n1 convert, got converted n2, AND only saw scum visiting someone.

Thats legit what u fucking said frost

I like dis scumslip.

And u dont think the fucking observer who outted d2 would get convert protection :woman_facepalming:

I like that scumslip (cough Assassin cough)

Again, you misinterpret my words - Alice is the one with theory who believes Baz being assassin and that would make room for convert when he gets lynched, but my results about Squid and Alice on Baz have just debunked that possibility.

I am more concerned that Squid will straight up kill htm and Alice believes Noz will guard htm, what if he is wrong?

You’re literally dead tonight.

No u

Read my sign.

I don’t exactly believe we have a CW alive here.

You’re the one bleeding from an Alch, ya dipnut


So are you dying from other form of death <3

Get ready to be omega Happy Houred ya little nut