Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

You also forgot something Alice, there’s reason why I follow Insanity’s plan to get Solic on trial and you know bloody well what it is, and when Noz DF pardon the first trial on MM suspect, we know who the rest of the unseen team is, he’s going down and I take the crown so he can’t backstab us again at D4 and will favor the votes for Blue Dragon.

Please tell me you’re not repeating that theory that is disproved since Squid have just admitted being Assassin and Solic being Mastermind BECAUSE Margaret talks about D2 conversion protection or at least done at N1 - and you know what happens after? Solic comes with Court Wizard claim and says this:

I find this way too much coincidence to be true.

I think you’re N2 convert.


Same difference right? Because he or me are the only convert possibilities that were not bleeding back then.

Hosts will confirm me as Druid soon enough. Alice will die tonight, so I have no way to kill anyone until 3 days later or so. Druid is really flawed (but I guess I didn’t really try either this game)


How can u iceward me because of something that happened later? U mean n2?

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Slip detected haha.

If Noz is evil, you’ll need me on your side.

Lmao NK is still anti-bd don’t fucking try that
/vote Solic


And Noz immediately goes for it.

UNVOTE ME insanity.



Yes but lol free scum

If druid is nk that still basically confirms the two people I saw visit the dead boi as killer

@Alice So did you just lied about your result?

Help me I am confused.


As you wish 4 now.

I just said I’m siding with BD, I have no way to kill until like 3 or 4 days.

So my theory WAS right then.

So Frost is the MM, Baz is the Assassin, and Squid is the Alcoholic.

/vote Frostwolf103

Solic can’t kill without a use of Constricting Roots.

We execute Frost today, and Baz should be jailed and executed here.

/vote Frostwolf