Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

Eh Squid I guess, to show what kind of gamethrowing bastard I am.

And ultimately reveals Alice as fraud about Bazingaboy, the poor squire.

You want to vote Squid, so that MM can convert again. Thatā€™s cool. Same result would happen if we voted up BD though.

/vote Squid I have nothing to lose anymore anyways.

But when I die, the gameā€™s fate will be changed.

/vote Squid

There can be 4 neutrals right? I hope we get a scorned/fool plot twist in here somewhere.

If thatā€™s true, then Drunk claim is a lie.

Frostā€™s already been hammered, you canā€™t vote me :clap:

But hopeā€¦!

Votes probably donā€™t count (or shouldnā€™t at least) after my mark has been announced anyways.

Because they would influence the lynch of the day.

So that easily tells Alice is a liar then

And since he dies, we have nothing to worry about him tomorrow - his manipulation fails.

Actually I wouldnā€™t want to vote Squid out, since I rooted them :thinking:

Find me another target Frost.

I know but you have rooted two people I am not aware about.

And basically you confirmed my result, nice?

What about Bazingaboy then? It was Aliceā€™s idea to lynch the MM first soā€¦

/vote Bazingaboy

Eww, Assassin or MM - heā€™s still Unseen.

@Solic Sounds good?

/vote Baz Iā€™m down with that lynch.

(In before all that crap is totally worthless and Frost gets executed)

Iā€™m still pro town Druid guys, Iā€™m lynching all the scum. :wink: