Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

Boy you guys are mad trigger happy to execute your priest. 9 votes in half an hour. I was either puppet stringed or sarun is assasin / nk who know killed wolfy

Everyone needs to take a breath. Scums are really pushing for my lynch

I didnā€™t even visit anyone so probs poss

I did visit Wolfy and I can confirm that Celesteā€™s follow is correct here. Since Priests do not visit then I assume that youā€™re either lying here or that you got puppeted.

As I said poss.

What was your night action I wolfy?

I expect to see a BD revived tomorrow


Wait, why the hell even ask for heals when youā€™re night immune?

1 Like

I ask for heals every game you person. No matter what it my reverse attacks mechanic. Scums wonā€™t attack you if you claim to need heals

Oof that is not a good post

Exe/Pard Voters Count
Execute Livicus 1/8
Pardon Bazingaboi 1/8

I am using the phone right now you meat head

Thereā€™s no point in asking for heals if you are immune.

If I donā€™t do it every game itā€™s basically a signal to scum that he is night immune, or the other scum faction

Not really no, thatā€™s stupid to do that.

What if the priest doesnt want to revive till prince dies?

If he doesnā€™t revive he dies tomorrow

Infact Celeste should be on them incase he gets occupied
Or at least wifom

or in case he kills

and /pardon

Hold on is he claiming priest?