Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

If I was priest then I would save it tbh to rezz Sheriff/Prince/Pally

I was wrong, I thought it was for fol it was for triple threat

You first then :slight_smile:

I think you got bled when Celeste said sam and you visited wolfy.

So hunter?

I got bled around that time, so Iā€™m fairly confident Insanity may be the CL or the Assassin.

Pretty sure sarun is scum

Not really, scum wouldnā€™t be that obvious when the focus was around two other people.

A Hunter wouldnā€™t bleed people just for that.

Btw hunter should bleed me

But why would a CL or Assassin do it?

They need NK for KPN

You know what would be nice. Hunter bleeds me and if I live I am alchemist if i die then I die

No one heals me though

Not really, you are proven a killer and we shouldnā€™t waste our resources on you incase you are actually NK.

What if the Hunter already bled someone though if Assassin/Cult Leader didnā€™t bleed Sarun?

Except if Sam17z is a Reaper, IIRC he can live through it via souls.

So someone should bleed me

Every NK has a way to deal with bleeding.

You sure?

Nobodyā€™s gonna bleed your ass as youā€™re already caught :clap:

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