Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

I’m converted

Unseen or cult?


And im getting sacrificed :wink:

Anyone, if I die, Alice is the mastermind.

Based on what?

What even gives you that idea?


Ultimate Lucky Gamethrower Passive activate!

If you haven’t noticed,

No matter how hard I try to gamethrow, it somehow works in my favor.

Based on the fact that you lied.

Insanity claimed to bear so they cant wolf rn

Explain how I lied? I was bled by FK and you have yet to bleed anyone here.

If you were actually certain Sarun was Mm you would be agressive and be calling him scum right now.

Oi techwolves, We have a maid royal blood check on you, claim?

I did?

They are lying cause im reviving showing im not royal

Not rlly, you aren’t being that agressive as well why would you bear N1?

Explain how I lied?

Also i just cced sam -_-

You lied about being bled.