Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

Vote Count!

Accused Voters Count
PoisonedSquid htm, Insanity, Frostwolf, Alice, Firekitten 5/8

@Alice don’t worry I figured the soft

Then you’re saying the NK killed the noble instead?

Err, FK killed Bin while Sam17z killed Wolfy. Both were yolobombs. It’s why I think this may be a Cult+Electto/Druid game.

In my defence he claimed noble and someone said he was suspicious.

Reminder: There are only two trials per day.

You and Tech are bleeding?

Mole right?

FK bled me, scum bled Tech, and Sam bled Insanity.

That is bold, you think Insanity won’t bleed back?

Insanity apparently beared

I mean, for hunter claim

Oh never mind

Are you serious? L-3 while I was asleep, geez. Anyway, I’m Drunk and I debbed Insanity last night

Bzzt wrong. There is no claimspace left at all.

/vote squid

You know some people in the claim space are lying, right?

Why did you drink with insanity?

Depends who are the people you talking about

Yeah it sucked