Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

It’s essentially why I think Insanity is a liar here. There’s no reason why he should bear the night after he claimed Hunter. IMO this feels more as an excuse why he didn’t bleed here.

I didn’t like his behavior on N1

What behavior explain?

Well he is going to be dead soon unless the alch mention he is clean

He randomly claimed Hunter for no reason, I had a feeling something was up, so I debbed him

They claimed ab non important role

That isnt confirmabñe

Let me tell you something, I’m the only person that claims Offensive and yet you still think I’m lying?

Like four people claim offensive/killer lol

Killer, but not offensive, bucko

The reason for that is thhe claim space, at least you didn’t fakeclaimed with miserable failure

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However you didn’t seem to really care about him claiming hunter d1 you didn’t even say anything about it.

While that will confirm he can bleed, it will only cause more unchecked chaos

If anything people should start bleeding me to confirm themselves unless other people have better ideas.

I wanted to keep quiet about it cause I was afraid if I said anything about it, scum would have killed my ass

Four people bleeding is already terrible idea and unless Tech is speaking the truth, he couls be converted and allow the cult leader to disguise and bypass death immunity with his free kill.

I don’t believe you Town doesn’t care about getting killed they care about killing scum.

I’m certain they made that excuse to look Town, town wouldn’t keep quiet about that

Worse case scenario, they have starting Ritualist too

If there’s a starting Rit, then why am I being suspected the most? I’m Offensive, Rit is Support