Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

If there is one.

Because I was waiting for him to say somethingā€¦ but I guess heā€™s not willing to speak

You didnā€™t even give him time to speak. Also you never told him to speak

@Solic Get your ass over here and say something you dipnut!

Is this an attempt to divert our attention?


He should speak on his own, heā€™s his own individual after all

Except you were waiting for him to speak however you never actually told him to speak.

Read through his posts and youā€™ll also see his odd behavior

Sure, but you are most likely one of the scum.

I wanted for him to come out on his own to see what his reaction is

Tbh, the I donā€™t like the fact that Insanity is also jumping on this wagon here. IMO, if this is a TvS then Squid should vote Insanity up.

Very unlikely.

My gut has to be right this time
/vote Solic

Gratz :clap:

I will ask a question, what is your opinion on HTM?

Tbh I donā€™t like insanity or squid.

Donā€™t worry, bucko, I have some alcohol in the cabinet for you

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What if insanity is the assassin who bled tech and thatā€™s why he canā€™t bleed.

Squid redirected the attack and thatā€™s why no one died

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I am redirection immune anyway.

This would make perfect sense, it explains everything tbh.

As well I really donā€™t like insanity right now anyways.