Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

Claiming hunter D1 you know how goofy players tried to look like, is somewhat odd choice of claim.

The simple solutions is the best answer.

@Alice aka Sarun

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So he is Observer?

Well that means he is not hunter then.

IMO, heā€™s not an ideal target to jail. Right now I just want to know if heā€™s going to lock himself into that claim or not.

Its called a reverse bait where you claim hunter so scum does not attack you and you live. My tos style dunno if that was insanitys intention though

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Doesnā€™t he meme claim Observer too? It was a joke in CFM in his class card

Who are the ideal people to jail?

Might help out who ever our Prince is.

Your goddess is right here in her full glory

But what would that accomplish by claiming observer afterwards, is he expecting someone to look out for him?

He did claim Hunter previously. I really want him to clear himself here as he may be a starting Seeker with Observer alts who thought I was CCā€™ing him when he did that, tbh.

A Mystic/Illusionist/Apostle has used Telepathy!

Iā€™ve turned Private matters on and linked king last night. Whisper me claims now


Can someone explain how knight works now

Missed that answer over here, it could be the case but I donā€™t see why claim different class unless heā€™s actually non-killing neutral, calling it.

@Alice So in that scenario, the NK could have killed both of Wolfy and Bin if the Cult wasnā€™t involved in the killing?

Oh, then I see what youā€™re doing. That is correct.

Wolfy likely got visited by a killer here. Who else visited him?

Ok boys shut up Detective Celeste is on the case

So uhhh

Knight has defend now so he didnā€™t die guarding someone.

I want @Alice and @Sam17z to claim

/vote Sam17z.

So Sam17z killed Wolfy.

/vote alice