Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

Okay then. If FK flips an Alch, then what do you make of this situation?

What will Firekitten flip

Fool assassin or alch :popcorn:

The entire Firekitten is not an Alch premise essentially relies on the fact that I was not bled, which I was.

Since scum bled Tech and Sam17z bled Insanity, while no Hunter claims the bleed then you must be the Alch here.

Doesnā€™t rlly matter at this point, Iā€™m done with this game.

Anyone in my position would be doing the same rather then beg for the win.


Noz decide fate execute me you wonā€™t,

You wonā€™t, you donā€™t have the guts to do it.

You forgot one thing, Hunter canā€™t bleed when beared - I believe Sam over FK because heā€™s helping to PoE a potential assassin suspect.

If FK flips Assassin then why would you be confirmed BD? Oh I donā€™t know, because itā€™s brilliantly stupid idea for gaining towncred and what just happens were two bleeds and not three?

@Alice Me? I didnā€™t just guessed PoisonedSquidā€™s class type here nor I have bleed you since I canā€™t do that as Princess and since we should be wary if the bleeds are actually real or fake.

@Kirefitten You could just, I donā€™t know, try not to use the bleed to confirm and check someoneā€™s faction next time? Oh wait, youā€™re the one who told me the exact thing over.

Accused Voters Count
PoisonedSquid Marg 1/8
Insanity FK, Nozbugz 2/8
Firekitten Livicus, Bazingaboy, Squid,HTM, Alice,Techwolves, Nozbugz :crown: 8/8

Literally stop being a jerk, I gave up stop making me more upset.

Except that itā€™s entirely possible for a MM to do this as well.

It wasnā€™t even to confirm his faction it was because he visited sam

@Kirefitten is now on trial. They have a few minutes to make a defense, and then you may decide his fate. This trial will last 12 hours and be the final trial of d2

Oh yeah? How do I react to Squid again?



You donā€™t have the guts :sunglasses:

Try me bitch

Iā€™m not the one whoā€™s too scared to DF execute.

Speaking of which, mind explaining why your push on Squid was so damn lukewarm?

The only reason you outed her as K/O was because we were pushing on you instead.