Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

Night 2 has ended.

Here are long awaited deaths:

@Moleland has died last night. They were a Mystic


Are you fucking insane! Lynching FK was like the worst lynch I have ever seen. Solic or Baz or even Insanity were much better lynches.

Noz might be evil, and there was no need to out that he SF’d me.

I linked Htm and Solic Night 2. Hopefully that’ll give good info.

Death Note


@Livicus has died last night. They were a Sheriff


The Sceriffo
D1: Scout Sarun
N1: Check Sarun - NS
D2: Scout Celeste

OTB - Reaction to Marl’s fake Pally claim, Unseen? claims Noble
Sam - claims Alch
Sarun - claims Princess (could be MM)
Celeste - Obs
Tech - Priest
Insanity - claims Hunter
Litten - Alchemist
HTM/Squid - Hunter?
Frost - claims Princess

Unseen Team Assumption:
Sarun - MM (Failed Convert)
Litten - Assassin

NK Candidates:

Death Note


@Sam17z has died last night. They were an Alchemist

They left no logs.
No death note was found.

@Wolfy was revived last night!


Moleland has died. They were Mystic…

But more importantly they were:



All snails are created equal. But some are more equal than others. :snail: was the latter. While other snails were content living the life of an honest farmer, or pediatrist, or haberdasher, :snail: sought to reach ever greater heights. That’s why when it saw an advertisement in The Snail Sentinel for a modeling gig, it knew what it had to do.

With its robust coloration, dignified posture, and prominent pneumostome, :snail: became an instant icon in the emoji world. :crab: shot it sideways glances, turning away and blushing whenever :snail: glanced back. :muscle: wanted to know the secrets of :snail:'s workout routine and how it stayed in such perfect shape. The other emojis loves :snail:, and :snail: loved the attention. It craved fame and passion and glory. What it got was death. :bug: had no interest in hanging out with :snail:, and instead used its connections in the emoji world to lure :snail: into an inconspicuous crime-ridden dark alley where :snail: was murdered by vengeful bugs. And so the world lost another brilliant snail soul.

:rip: :snail:, forever in our :heart:s, and sometimes on our minds.


Flavor 2:

Livi has died. They were Sheriff…

But more importantly they were:



yeah he’s pink so what ya got a problem with that?

Zeusnail was the king and high lord of Mount Snailympus, a popular amusement park in Snailville. The management position kinda went to Zeusnail’s head though, and he demanded to be worshipped by all. Most people ignored him but he had a bit of a cult following for a while there before Mount Snailympus had to close. You know.

Due to the scandals.

Zeusnail was a bit of a [redacted] but those close to him would always say that, deep down, he was a [redacted]. The truth is probably found somewhere in the middle, leading experts to conclude he was a [redacted]. It was likely this quality that led to his criminal negligence when overseeing the safety of the amusement park, particularly the tidal pool. While technically not found guilty for any of the six deaths, nobody really felt bad about it when he died a gruesome death at the hands of bugs. You know.

Due to the scandals.


Flavor 3

Sam has died. They were Alchemist

But more importantly they were:



Nothing says a good time like slime. Nickelodeon was right all along. Snailville is the slime production capital of the world, with more slime being produced daily than you can fit in a large tub. How large, you ask?



Needless to say, the residents of Snailville are very proud of their slime. While much of the mucus manufactured by the masses is meant to be mailed to multiple municipalities for monetary gain, a sizeable subset of slime is kept for use in daily life by the citizens of Snailville. Slime helps regulate temperature, protect the body from harm, and makes a wonderful gift at weddings, funerals, and Bat Mitzvahs. If a large



amount of slime were to gain sentience and then be fiendishly murdered by a group of bug rapscallions, there would be chaos in the streets.

There is chaos in the streets.


Day 3 has started!

It will last 72h or until a lynch happens.

@Wolfy was revived last night!

I need a claim from Baz ASAP. I’m fairly certain that I’ve gamesolved at this point tbh.

/vote Baz

Vote Count!

Accused Voters Count
bazingaboy Alice 1/7

With 12 Alive, Majority is 7


Could you tell me your results for last night?

Instead of what you asked, I found this

I actually forgot my logs, here’s my protest sign:

@Htm Jail Squid but don’t exe until we’ve found every Unseen member.

/vote Bazingaboy

1 Like

@Alice I give you cookie for paying attention on details, but please.

Vote Count!

Accused Voters Count
bazingaboy Alice, Frostwolf 2/7

With 12 Alive, Majority is 7

I don’t exactly trust you on this as my current theory here is that you’re the MM and Squid was your n1 convert.

If you’re telling the truth, then she needs to be immediately executed tonight and not waste the Prince’s time.

You have noticed that I wasn’t bussing Squid because I would have voted him instead.

What about your source, you found the NK?

Night 2 flavor was updated.

Scroll up and read it.

It’s worth it.

1 Like

Can promise a better read than my flavors

No, my result is clear that Squid is not convert.

Correct. Baz was K/O and was the only player who didn’t claim last day, so I assume he’s the Assassin or the NK.

Except I’ll explain my theory later on my post.

I see what you’re doing here is essentially wasting HTM’s nights by repeatedly jailing an Alcoholic while you buy time for your Assassin.

Additionally, I have plenty of evidence to believe you are indeed the MM.

You essentially assume for no reason here that this is an Unseen game, similar to how prior to the reroll you immediately jumped to the conclusions that it was a Cult game and you obviously knew that since you were a Cultist.

As before, the fact that you immediately know who the scum team is and the only possible candidates for being the MM here is you and Solic is what is making me absolutely sure that you’re the MM rather than him.

Additionally, you did not push on Squid earlier despite her silence and that you knew she was killer/offensive, it was only when we started pushing on you that you outed your results. Plus, you were way too eager to hop onto FK’s wagon as it meant that your convert was saved.

Ultimately, I’m fairly certain that the scum team here is you as the MM, Squid as the n1 convert, and Insanity/Baz are the Assassin and the Neutral Killer.

Baz is likely the NK here considering how you immediately jumped on his wagon, tbh.