Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

IMO, either you or Frost is the MM and I’m townreading Frost harder than you.

Yeah I have now changed my mind by keeping Squid alive since I said that because I am not sure who the rest of unseen team is, now I know.

Are we 100% sure that Druid is the NK?

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Unless we vote so fast that he can’t use the mark, that’s why I am trying to be cryptic here.

I hope Wolfy, htm and Noz comes online.

Baz is Druid, Solic is the MM, and Squid is the Assassin.

We’re lynching Baz today and IMO Solic needs to be jailed/executed while Wolfy should WIFOM between CSing her and guarding HTM.

Didn’t Frost keep accusing you of being MM even though you were bled?

Noz is not fully reliable here.

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Not anymore.

That is before FK reveal he bled him.

FK’s flip confirms I was bled.

I like Insanity’s quick thinking here, it makes lot of sense since Noz can’t exactly help Baz.

However if we do that, we will be lost for sure.

If Druid were to Judgement of the Wild someone, it would insta-confirm that Baz is Druid.

Hell, why is that exactly my situation at Xed.

We jail and exe Squid, preventing her from killing someone.

We lynch Baz, preventing him from using his ability.

Solic can’t do anything due to reaching max member cap.

Unseen are at 3 members likely, so why would you want to even jail the one you think is MM? Squid should be jailed.

What we can do is test King’s loyalty by bringing unseen member to trial first.

However…if Noz were EK, he would maybe DF pardon the NK here.

But will he DF unseen member?

Because Wolfy can CS them and you’ll be executed tonight. Two scum down in one move here.