Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

Then who the hell is the MM? You’re the only possibility here now.

If I don’t keep each side balanced, I’m going to lose regardless.

Solic has yet to use JotW so he can’t kill anymore.

Still don’t feel like gamethrowing

Uhm…it is hard to decide.

I guess I was doomed then anyways.

Noz you are literally going to lose it for the unseen if you don’t make your move now. So it’s up to you.

Read my ISO of Frost again. It’s blatantly obvious this is a Frost/Baz/Squid scumteam.

/vote frost

/unvote You don’t need my vote anyways, especially if Noz is good king.


Still :clap: Dont :clap: Feel :clap: Like :clap: throwing

MM who got bled D2?

Would he like to risk a play like this?

I will read the thread again.

@Margaret Alice have agreed with my evidence about Squid and still want me dead, what kind of hypocrisy would that be.

However Solic just claimed he is the Druid thus it makes her flirt check on Bazingaboy as false.

I said it was plausible on the conditional that Solic was the MM, since he outed himself as a Druid then that theory goes out the window.

Obviously Tech got bled by Assassin, Alice and Insanity got bled by Alchemists.

Oh wait, you are convincing someone who you thought is Unseen :thinking:

U noob

Rn would be the PKR thing to reveal I was lying about my alignment but lol it’s dumb as shit so I didn’t even do if

Do it*

There’s no such thing as convincing about Squid being unseen, my Will-O-Wisp result shows he attacked someone.

Therefor he’s Assassin and not Drunk, not Alcoholic, not Druid.