Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

:man_facepalming: right almost forgot


Luxy what do you think of this situation? any potential Unseen or Cult who were a bit too trigger happy to put Sam on trial?

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Luxy is co-host lmao

Buddy I’m the host.


oh right

Man i am all over the place today

We have damning mechanical information on Sam17z as Celeste knew that I checked Wolfy n1. The only way he’s possibly innocent here is if this is a Possessor game.

then no harm in /executing

I’d still like to hear Sam’s claim

Assuming he doesn’t claim a faction hardcounter or the Prince then I’m likely executing.

Sam, please claim.

Oh and allow me to let my identity remain anonymous.

why are you worried about your identitym

But we can’t execute until Sam makes a defense :confused: (At least I think)

Exe/Pard Voters Count
Execute Livicus 1/8
Pardon None 0/8

@Margaret no abstain vote column for u

I am not worried about it :wink:

Well, I was wrong. Still want his claim first

Also in this stretch of people, if Sam flips NK, It’s almost likely that Tech, HTM, or Frost is Unseen/Cult

they would want to push for a mislynch on anyone not them

I actually claim demon tho.

very funny Insanity