Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

No there aren’t 2 alchs

Why? If there are 2 bleeds how does that happen? Either hunter / scum. Scum / alch. Hunter / alch

I’ve been asking for a Maid and a Physician since I claimed, though.

If it’s alch they could be wanting to see if Sarun was BD tbh. It’s kinda like a maid check

Discuss my previous statement

Mechanical confirmation is dumb, but since I’m the only person with RB alive then it wouldn’t be a waste.

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So if it is Alch, should we let them live? They could have killed Bin and they have been the one to have bled Alice (cough FoL 16 cough)

2 alchs is unlikely

But you’re not Alch, you’re NK, bucko

But if I bleed someone I can’t be NK bucko

I mean bin was under suspicion yesterday and plus they may have bled Sarun because she was one of the people visiting wolfy, its also a maid check. I wouldn’t mind if sam flips assassin.

Answer my question!

If I flip assasin insanity is confirmed town

You didn’t bleed Sarun, bucko, so you’re pretty much dead, bucko (Unless if you claim to have bleed him which I highly doubt at this point)

Bucko if I bleed someone rn then I didn’t bleed sarun

Except then you will force a hunter/alch to out which obviously they won’t

I will bleed you when trial ends does that help you?

So if you’re bragging about on how you could bleed someone, bucko, then why aren’t you doing it, bucko?

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Insanity and I have bled someone. If insanity is scum I am alch/hunter.