Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

Something is very wrong.

That means it sam does bleed someone we have a hunter/alch alch and scum bleed.


Fire sams still sus af for claiming priest

Somethingā€™s very wrong though, this is literally not making sense.

Whatā€™s not making sense?

Ether way i need heals

Arenā€™t you death immune?

Yes but im bleed

We are on trial there is no way Tech was bled

Scum bled you? So I can bleed on trial. Ok let me bleed noz brb

Hunter bled someone, and now scum bled someone. Sam could be yolo alch or NK. Real alch might have bled someone too I suppose.

Then who bled me if youā€™re bled and Sam17z has yet to bleed anyone?

Well luxry just told me i got bleed


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so is Sam an alch who yolo-bombed N1


So seems like bleeding goes through even on trial

My brain is hurting from all this bullshit going on

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Probably an alch I donā€™t see hunter doing it.

2 people bled?

Yeah Iā€™m pretty sure Hunter bled Sarun.