Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

TFW when bazinga does obvious scum things for the millionth time

Pardon this.

also Bazinga, FoL isnā€™t like ToL where we build our accusations on mechanical confirmation


Tbf thatā€™s all you can really do in tol

uhhh yeah it is

We already have insanity and alice as strongly polarized players we donā€™t need any more reads for today

thatā€™s because day time is too short

Reads are always good though


maybe for you it might be :wink:


we can always do with more reads

The fact that I have to fight tooth and nail to get this pardoned worrys me

Scum pushing for this lunch

Read more books, get a bigger brain

If thereā€™s a maid then they can check Alice etc. No reason to extend this day and let a (potential) bleed go off as well. Not that my stance really matters since you are all pardoning, Iā€™m just not going to hammer pardon. I think we all need a nice cooldown anyway.

thatā€™s because Noz, HTM, and Bazinga have their own reasons for leaving this as a trial

Youā€™ve been accusing me solely on the fact that Iā€™m a Princess claim who visited a dead person n1, hypocrite.


also on your plays and the way Litten is buddying up to you


Itā€™s so obvious though heā€™s bleedin

I donā€™t operate solely on mechanics