Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

so who do you think bled you?

okay thatā€™s respectable then

also one question Litten

whyā€™d you vote me as your first post of the day?

why do you think.

RVS much?

Litten whatā€™s taking you so long to respond?

So who is it?

And donā€™t give me that excuses.

Struggling on the reply button very hard to press

also just saying I wasnā€™t the first one to think Sarun couldā€™ve been an MM

Because a real Hunter wouldnā€™t out themselves like that and itā€™d be far better for scum not to know who they are. Itā€™s essentially why Iā€™m confident that youā€™re not a real Hunter here.

Just reveal it.

Donā€™t. dodge. my. question.

Someone claimed Princess, and we have no fucking idea if this is an Unseen or Cult game. Probs MM.


I have my guesses on a certain guy

I can honestly care less what happens at this point. Karma exists. Iā€™m alch. I bleed Sarun as soon as I heard he visited wolfy, as that way we could hang sam and I can gain favor. As well, itā€™s so painfully obvious that insanity isnā€™t hunter that Iā€™m even willing to vote him over this. Itā€™s just SO OBVIOUS He wouldnā€™t bear N1.

Iā€™m literally claiming because of how hard it is to convince BD to do the right thing, when itā€™s so painfully obvious what is what.

Iā€™m going to find out if Sarun is scum tonight. Prince can take care of sam as I donā€™t think they are alch. Sarun Iā€™m not a hunter m8 do you want to revaluate your read on insanity or not.


:raised_hands: just saying

I did it Iā€™m not scared

Wait, what the fuck? I honestly thought you were the Hunter.

Thatā€™s why I had to reveal before a massacre happened

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well okay now we have our second bleeder

that makes a lot of sense on why you were sure Sarun wasnā€™t lying

Still donā€™t think insanity is hunter.