Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

runs away

Insanity confirmed by bleed nice

Would be better if he did

Celeste he did though

so Sam

why’d you yolo bomb Wolfy

Let’s start with that

He marked me as wild in the game before, using me for his own benefit. He had to pay for his sins


It would be better for his survival if he did


I can’t understand what did you mean.

Yolo bombing wolfy is stupid, he would likely have been protected. Bombing bin someone who was suspected, and also claimed noble, would have been much better.

Are you claiming the bomb on bin?

No proof

Nah fk, bombing wolfy was the right choice

Also sam is claiming a bomb on wolfy which I still highly doubt ngl.

If he is actually alch i think it’s a Druid/electro cult game

Fun fact: I would’ve bombed Wolfy before Marl if I was alch

So since the two night kills were from two yolobombs then my night kill analysis just went to the shitter… So since there were no factional nor NK kills then I think that it’s probably yet another Cult+Druid/Electro game.

Though something weird is going on with the amount of bleeds

You bled me, I’d assume the Cult/Unseen bled techs, and Sam17z bled Insanity. Since we have three bleeds here then I’m not sure why is it strange.