Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

whose on stand?

Sarun didnā€™t vote insanity, squid did.

Also someone should protect who ever the prince is.

If itā€™s painfully obvious to others itā€™s obvious to everyone.

Prince is most likely converted

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Mole didnā€™t notice though

so maybe scum canā€™t see it too?

Htm thatā€™s stupid thinking to think 2-3 scum and even then a NK ONE wouldnt see it. All it takes is one.



@Marcus_Doodalee @Luxy @eevee

Livicus just state it itā€™s literally obvious.

now with PoE, scum knows who the faction hardcounter is essentially

HTM is soft claiming Prince

@Noz_Bugz WIFOM the prince or someone else.

How the fuck am I supposed to know thexorivxe the crown gives me idiocy

at this rate itā€™s better for evwryone to out


I guess there is no use hiding it

Iā€™m prince and someone should protect me.

Nope not really, its best for mass claim to stop. We donā€™t have enough protectives to save everyone. @Noz_Bugz itā€™s htm.

yes but scum knows who is who, provided scum hasnā€™t claimed and includes Mole

Wait, what :thinking: