Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

Accused Voters Count
PoisonedSquid htm, Insanity, Frostwolf, Alice, Marg, FK, Squid,Livicus, Noz 10/8
Solic Squid 1/8

Ignore this VC

Noz was not even needed :expressionless:

You mean insanity?
Also who voted first


-_- Itā€™s too early for dis shit, lemme check again.

Def got some votes wrong

Wait arenā€™t we voting Insanity?


Pretty sure itā€™s Squid himself first.

Itā€™s battle to get the claimspace.

Accused Voters Co6unt
PoisonedSquid htm,Marg 2/8
Insanity Squid, Alice, FK, Livi, Frostwolf, Nozbugz 7/8

Insanity is at L-1

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King - Noz
MM/CL - ?
Assassin/Starting Cult - ?
Prince - HTM
Sheriff/Paladin - ?
RBD - Wolfy - Knight - C
RBD - OTB - Noble - C
RBD - Marg - Obs - Semi C - May be Seeker w/ Obs Cult Alts?
RBD - Insanity - Hunter - ?
RBD - Sarun - Princess - C
RBD - Techwolves - Priest - Likely C
RBD - ??? - Mystic - C
RBD/RN - Squid - Drunk
RBD/RN - Sam17z - Alchemist
RN - Firekitten - Alchemist
NK -

We have 2 neuts, so the amount of RBD slots should be at

RBD - Wolfy - Knight - C
RBD - OTB - Noble - C
RBD - Marg - Obs - Semi C - May be Seeker w/ Obs Cult Alts?
RBD - Insanity - Hunter - ?
RBD - Sarun - Princess - C
RBD - Techwolves - Priest - Likely C
RBD - ??? - Mystic - C
RBD - Frost - Princess

IMO, the lynch pool tomorrow should be Livicus, Baz, Solic, Mole, Celeste, and you here. Removing the Mystic and Hard Counter from here, obviously.

why is Celeste in that pool

Accused Voters Co6unt
PoisonedSquid htm,Marg 2/8
Insanity Squid, Alice, FK, Frostwolf, Nozbugz 6/8

Because Seeker with Cult alts still exist?

King counts as two.

Celeste has proven herself

she is BD

and just because someone claimed doeanā€™t mean theyā€™re lock-BD

King is counting as two

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No they arenā€™t proven BD and shouldnā€™t be treated as such. However they are BD to me right now

Could still be cult Ay lmao

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Sheā€™s not proven. A starting Seeker with Obs cult alts is still possible.