Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

Assuming noz is evil

We have no other Phys/Knight claims here.


Iā€™m going to end up regretting this after the game arenā€™t I

One TP gets executed by prince most likely and the other one remains.

As for Alice, when FK says that he get Crimson Potion then he gets my trust for now.

Ah sorry, TP for town protective - just protective like alch

Alchemists are not TP as theyā€™re neutralā€¦

we have King, Priest, Prince

This is actually true Town protective isnā€™t neutral, thing is Iā€™m really scared as Iā€™m the only healer claim and they may want to kill me just to get rid of me.

As well, observer should be WIFOMING Prince and others.

>Implying Noz is a confirmed GK.

Andā€¦if we find out that Hunter is fake, we got likely the Drunk and taken the claimspace of the hunter.

The Squire (if there is one) should prob remember a TP

Last time we tried to mechanically confirm people it went terrible, we let the observer check who they want to AND HOPEFULLY dissuade people from killimg prince I still suggest everyone WIFOM

Very unlikely to be fair

knowing Celeste, sheā€™ll check someone who is less important than Prince

That is meant to be unsaid.

Youā€™re a neutral, scum doesnā€™t need to kill you to win and will probably just leave you alone unless youā€™re carrying BD like in SFoL33.

Iā€™m pretty much the only healer and Iā€™m literally trying my best to hold BD together and they are still threating to rip each other apart from mass claiming then suggesting mechanical confirmation

Oh god I wish my suffering will end

By bleeding the princess claim and hunter claim.

Let me know how I can help