Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

Litten. Is. Our. Only. Healer. Here. If he dies then the Assassin will be given free reign via Hidden Blade.

We have Sam

Except I been trying to help you all game and you still want to lynch me.

False, Sam can heal too unless he get jailed.

@Alice lynching FK confirms you as BD so if you are BD then there is no reason to not vote him.

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This is gonna be a high adrenaline game if we kill an Alch here are you all ready for some excitement?


Bazinga, vote Litten

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Except that thatā€™ll confirm me but then weā€™ll all die to bleeding. Itā€™s a net loss to lynch Litten here.

If we can solve the game within 2 days, then bleeding affects nothing

Bazinga will not do that as heā€™s convinced mole is scum even tho I SFd him

/vote FK

You have to, Alice. To confirm youā€™re not MM.

Sam was caught killing Wolfy and only switched to Alch when his idiotic fakeclaim didnā€™t work. I trust Litten over Sam.

We have Sam thoughā€¦

Unaccuse Mole
Accuse Firekitten

Nah I didnā€™t know he was mystic why would I think heā€™s a baddie. Neuts shouldnā€™t live after admitting to killing BD anyway, eye for an eye and all that

Regardless, NK matters less if we have a chance to pin down the entire Unseen here

And FK killing Bin wasnā€™t suspected?

Marl said his reaction was bad plus he claimed noble.

@Marcus_Doodalee VC?

Accused Voters Co6unt
PoisonedSquid Marg 1/8
Insanity Squid, Alice, FK, Nozbugz 5/8
Firekitten Livicus, HTM, Frostwolf, Bazingaboy 4/8