Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

So? I literally have been working with y’all.

Because the target I checked n1 died so I must not be a Princess? Your entire reasoning here is fallacious.

I literally shouldn’t have claimed alch and this wouldn’t be happening and you would potential be lynching Sarun and other people.

I say you would point that out for town credit

It’s a given that if a PR outs, you protect them, no one needs to be told that

Literally Livicus stopx

You could be anything other than princess, you what?

Town credit means nothing In a conversion game, prince being dead is more important

Literally vote insanity and stop being stupid, I literally have been working with y’all.

Except that you’ve also not confirmed yourself here. Reminder that the MM, which is what I suspect you of being, can easily fake it as well.

@Livicus check me if you want you can argue it wastes Town resources however we are already going to solve this by hanging insanity and if they flip assassin. Me showing NS proves sarun

The best profit is to literally check me instead of hanging hanging makes a neutral die while hanging them let’s a potential unseen fir.

That takes longer though

Except it’s more worth it as you get heals.

Make up your mind!

Alch only has 2 heals

I literally did

3 if Sarun is town

As well my bleeds can help with POE

@Livicus checking me gives you the most benifits

Alright, I like the sound of the plan
/vote FK

Squid urgh.