Forum of Lies 16.2 - (4/16) - END - Snails win!

Sam got caught as scum, so we’re thinking if we should jail and exe him tonight or have him executed right now

I think knight’s are better but both are good

Wolfy is the superior choice IMO.
Nobles aren’t friends.

Additionally, I want to tunnel Insanity, though. I did also get bled when I was upping him and I don’t think a legit Hunter claim would wolf someone just because of that.

If I was priest then I would save it tbh to rezz Sheriff/Prince/Pally

I was wrong, I thought it was for fol it was for triple threat

You first then :slight_smile:

I think you got bled when Celeste said sam and you visited wolfy.

So hunter?

I got bled around that time, so I’m fairly confident Insanity may be the CL or the Assassin.

Pretty sure sarun is scum

Not really, scum wouldn’t be that obvious when the focus was around two other people.

A Hunter wouldn’t bleed people just for that.

Btw hunter should bleed me

But why would a CL or Assassin do it?

They need NK for KPN

You know what would be nice. Hunter bleeds me and if I live I am alchemist if i die then I die

No one heals me though

Not really, you are proven a killer and we shouldn’t waste our resources on you incase you are actually NK.

What if the Hunter already bled someone though if Assassin/Cult Leader didn’t bleed Sarun?

Except if Sam17z is a Reaper, IIRC he can live through it via souls.