Forum of Lies 17 - Unseen and Warlock Victory!

Then who cares?

Prince Who wasnt found

This is like:
Convert me So I will tell you Who the prince is

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I do want to also ask you a question, @Icibalus. Why did you believe hjasik over Firekitten even though it was obvious hjasik was making a gambit?

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Accused Voters Count
Litten Boopy 1/8
Marcus Litten, Hjasik, Insanity 3/8

They also called us scum buds, therefore I think Iā€™m doing a good job of pocketing you.

Also, @Icibalus your reasoning of checking me for being a devil, how are you comparing me to squid then?

Disagreed. Hjasikā€™s essentially infamous for his nonstop fruitless reaction testing so anyone whoā€™s used to playing with him will usually take anything he says with a grain of salt. The only thing this proves is that Hja is likely village as this fits in with his village AI behavior.

His toneā€™s off as it seems like heā€™s rushing it, but Iā€™m somewhat inclined to believe him as I donā€™t think heā€™d push a mislynch based on false mechanical information as a wolf on d2.

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Thank you I know that you always want to remind me that I am bad at this game

Wait, nevermind. I just realized that there is a real possibility of Firekitten being a Scorned here based on the rushing tone on his push alongside with him somehow having a red check n1. Though, I canā€™t see FK flipping Unseen/Cult or NK in this case.

Thatā€™s why itā€™s best to wait for Marcusā€™ response before we come up with a decision on his fate

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No, I am pointing out the reason why taking your checks with a grain of salt doesnā€™t make Firekitten wolfy. Stop taking shit personally like this.

/accuse firekitten

Alice, I canā€™t be the only one whoā€™s noticed that Squid and FIrekitten are passively agreeing with ecah other but never interacting?

When youā€™re interacting more with your wolfreads than your nullreads somethingā€™s going wrong. I wonā€™t make a judgement on Squid but it feels even more buddy-y than usual.

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Accused Voters Count
Litten Boopy, Baz 2/8
Marcus Litten, Hjasik, Insanity 3/8

So you are Going to random tunnel on ^tone^ just like you did in other game ?

Let it go.

The fact youā€™re sticking on being misread one time so much is utterly absurd, and you wonā€™t get better if you keep going on this path.

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I canā€™t exactly say that Squidā€™s reactions this match has been towny and her excuse on why she hasnā€™t interacted with Firekitten felt a bit too defensive for my tastes, but I just canā€™t see Firekitten pushing a mislynch based on false mechanical information as Unseen or Cult. IMO, if this is a W/W interaction then Squid and Firekitten are probably not in the same scumteam.

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Ici, why didnā€™t you answer my question that I asked you three hours ago?

Because Iā€™ve only just come on now. Why are you being so pushy about this question like me not answering it is me claiming wolf?

Answer faster then Ici