Forum of Lies 17 - Unseen and Warlock Victory!

Also your question is incorrectly phrased; at no point did I believe hjasik’s shit reaction test. I simply think Firekitten is wolfy for other reasons; but Alice makes good points as well.

You cant

If you’re busy, sure, I’ll understand, but you immediately come back with shade to throw

The ironic part of this post is that your entire ISO is shadehtrowing and buddying tbh

This sure sounds like you believed his statement

Squid, you aren’t this stupid normally.

It was said already that He claims to have mechanical info on marc

/accuse marcus

We can’t believe the information this early without a defense from the other side, Hjasik

/vote Squid

I cannot personally believe that Squid would shadethrow, fencesit and not interact with somebody who they’ve chainsawed to defend if they’re villager.

Thats Why We are waiting for Marcus to come

And Firekitten and Squid do not have to be buddies for this to make sense; There’s a 9 letter word beginning with P and ending with -ocketing that explains that extremely neatly.

More importantly; @Emilia post some actual content and don’t just idly comment on both sides of the discussion. I see you there, bud.

Oh right everybody thinks that the reason I think Firekitten was wolf in the first place is because he was ignoring hjasik’s peek. Clarification; I was saying that I’m ignoring the peek because it’s obviously a reaction test.

Hopefully that clears things up.

Then who’s pocketing who? If I’m pocketing FK, then FK’s red check is more likely to be legit. If FK’s pocketing me, then why don’t you see him as more scummy?

Alright, thanks for the clearer picture

I’m starting to believe that Firekitten’s more likely to be village but pushing in a wolfy way; however the way that htey claimed this peek on Marcus still leaves enough doubt, so I want to see Marcus’s reaction first.

In the meantime Squid, I’m just going to give myself a quick note for later;

@Icibalus remember to make a case on Squid tommorow.

Well I think that youre town because of this early push What is similar to What you did in in 2d3

And who do you think is wolf? I realise hardly anybody has been in-thread yet but surely there’s at least one wolf among the people who’ve posted?

Am I the only one who has a slight wolflean on Insanity over his opening post being completely IIoA followed by a sheep vote?