Forum of Lies 17 - Unseen and Warlock Victory!

what about the NK

Noz how could you tho

i am the nk fuck

Can you explain your stances on each individual?

They are all scum induvidually

Okay now I need to reevaluate whether this is just an a excuse to get villacred or an actual planned action.
I’ll do that tommorow because I gtg in about 5 minutes

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i have 2000iq big brain reads only i could understnad, but do realize these are 100% accurate and you should trust me
/vote Squid

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Noz did you finally rand Fool or what?

I did it to get Town credit obviously. Honestly I thought Marcus would kill merc as he did this in cult in the jungle 2 pre roll to wifom everyone.

i would shoot myself if i did

And it worked

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@PoisonedSquid how shocked are you by my discovery of bluffing?

I know youre lying Cuz you arent shot

Uploading: 20181030_142256.jpg…
In case you don’t believe me

Virus dont open

that failed

exactly so i’m not fool

It’s impressive tbh

Now to see Squid try to naturally change their stance from the revelation that Firekitten was null…
(or of course a natural reaction otherwise)

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btw this is a wolfy post of trying to act confused discuss