Forum of Lies 17 - Unseen and Warlock Victory!

Out your full visit logs now FK

keep reading the thread

You incriminated yourself and Iā€™m not even an observer lol.

You basically have the PERFECT excuse why you werenā€™t seen visiting two people

Firekitten was right again


/vote Marcus
What the fuck is that?

Oh, youā€™re reaction testing

yeah and you failedā€¦terribily

What it says on the box

Marcus is basically near confirmed assassin/NK

Can you let the prince jail me in that case?

Why though? THEREā€™S zero reason for them to jail you if you were BD.

Why would I visit two people?

Im fucked off at you and your petty gambits FK. When I bloody forget a night action thatā€™s why. Also thereā€™s ZERO reason for you to ask for me to be jailed if you think Iā€™m not BD

So big hole in your logic there too buddy

1.Iā€™m not, it got the thread talking.
2.If you did an action you would have been seen visiting two people, thereā€™s the perfect excuse ā€œpossessor and didnā€™t actionā€
3.The question is still there

Is this a fool? - Or is this a poorly played town / scum?

Why did you out yourself as observer anyway? You mentioned little birb too

Because 1.To get the thread moving also not observer

@Sam17z what do you think it is?
