Forum of Lies 17 - Unseen and Warlock Victory!

Oh, y’all just think I’m faking this shit, huh? Marl’s telling me to calm the fuck down cause of how pissed I am that no matter how hard I try, I always get suspected of being scum even when I’m actually fucking not!


And you are provoking her even more, feels about right.

Accused Voters Count
Marcus Baz, 1/8
Baz Sam, Marcus, Insanity, 3/8
Squid Ici, Noz, Luxy, Alice, Firekitten, Boopydoop, 6/8
Insanity Hjasik 1/8

Someone pull ranked, huh?

Says the person that doesn’t read before asking shit, do you still call that town motivation?

Calm your tits

People always tell me to calm down and step away, but the problem with that is if I step away, people are going to ask me more questions and if they don’t get answers, they’re going to call me scum and that’s going to make my damn situation even worse

In all honesty, I think I’m pushing myself so hard that my body feels worse than it should

i mean you could have answered my question instead of being all like “ASJFHLSKGDF REED THE THREDD!!!F GDF”

i’m not gonna read 900 posts again just to find the 1 i missed

I just want to get better and yet I never get the chance to

Still, it’s important for you to read so that there is a less likely chance of prejudice

I think you are pushing her over the cliff .-.

That’s why I emphasize on reading so much. People can sum shit up in a way that makes a person look bad and that’s not what should be presented


I’d say this is probably a town-ish reaction coming from Squid. She’s typically more defeatists and less emotional when she’s accused of being scum as scum, see SFoL39, Neapolitan, and OWFM.

Acting buddy-buddy with Firekitten and softing was shit. But I’ve yet to see her be this emotional when correctly scumread.

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I refuse to believe people get this tilted from something like FoL

I’m trying to not be as emotional but me not feeling my best and noticing that I can’t improve no matter how hard I try is very frustrating

Meh, people typically get a bit too emotionally invested from FMs from time to time.

At this point I can actually see a pretty decent chance of Squid flipping town based on my past games with her. Though I’m quite sure that my previous assessment that Squid/Insanity was a V/W interaction is correct, so I’ll probably focus more on Insanity right now.

/vote Insanity

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everyone calm down

Tfw you leave for 30 minutes to do something and everyone gets salty.

Squid if you really to actually improve do not play fol fol is way too mechanics stuff to actually learn anything from it